Copy and Use Restrictions The FTree program and this documentation are Copyright (c) 1994 Michael McCarrick. This software is Shareware (not Freeware), if you continue to use it you should register it. To register simply send $15.00 to: FTree Registration Attn. Michael McCarrick P.O. Box 264 Middleboro, MA 02346 Please include your name and address so I can record your registration properly. Indicate how you would like your registration key file sent to you. I can mail via CompuServe or via the Postal Service (indicate media type 3.5" or 5.25"). You can also call up my BBS and download it. Refer to the section on Contacting me. Registration entitles you to future updates (free of charge), up to but not including version 2.00. Disclaimer The FTree software and this documentation are provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind. By using this program (the FTree software) you are assuming all liability for anything which might occur. What I mean is if anything happens to you, your computer, any possession of yours, or anything else, due to the use of this program, I am not liable. I have made every attempt to insure that this program operates properly. I have been using it for awhile myself. Due to the complexity of any program over a few lines long, a change made in one part of the program can and sometimes does inadvertently generate problems in other areas. Just be forewarned, save your work regularly (BACK UP your system). I also reserve the right to stop supporting and releasing updates of this software at any time. Contacting me (the Author) You can send any questions or report any problems to me at the address given above. I can also be reached on CompuServe. My CIS number is: 70401,2671 I also operate a BBS and can be reached at: (508)946-9864, 14400-8-N-1 FTree Remote File Manager The FTree program is a remote file manager, it allows you to view the files on your ProBoard BBS. FTree is a PEX program designed to run under ProBoard. FTree was developed as a tool for remote Sysop activity. Installation To install FTree, copy the FTREE.PEX program file to you PEX directory. Add a menu option to one of your ProBoard menus. The following is an example menu entry. [^R^] Remote File Manager Color : White on Black Hotkey : R Function : 60 - Run ProBoard SDK File Data : FTREE.PEX Min.Level: 64000 Max.Level: 0 Flags : -------------------------------- Be sure to set the Min.Level field high enough such that all your users don't have access to this entry (Unless of course you intend to give them access). If this menu option is available to everyone on your BBS then they have complete access to your files. Next copy the COMP.BAT file (provided in FTREE.ZIP) into each working directory ProBoard is run from. For example if you have directories NODE1 and NODE2 that ProBoard is run from, copy COMP.BAT into those directories. COMP.BAT is a sample compression batch file. One of the features in FTree is to tag files, compress them, and download the compressed file. FTree does not have any built in compression capabilities and relies on other compression program. For more on the COMP.BAT file refer to the Zip command. Using FTree FTree makes extensive use of ANSI screen control and color codes. You need to have ANSI and color turned ON prior to running FTree. To use FTree select an option from the ProBoard menu to run the FTREE.PEX program (setup as described earlier). The FTree display consists of the follow parts. On the top line is the FTree version and registration status. The second line contains the Drive list. This is a list of the drives (excluding drives A: and B:) that are available. The bottom two lines list the available commands. More on these later. The rest of the screen is partitioned into two panes, the directory tree and the file list. The directory tree displays the directories on the currently selected drive. The file list pane displays the files in the currently highlighted directory. Each of the FTree commands are selected by pressing the key in brackets for that command. The following is a list of the FTree commands: [T]ag - While in the directory tree pane, issuing the Tag command tags all the files in the currently highlighted directory. While in the file list pane, issuing the Tag command tags the currently highlighted file and moves the cursor bar down. [U]ntag - While in the directory tree pane, issuing the Untag command removes the tags from all the files in the currently highlighted directory. While in the file list pane, issuing the Untag command removes the tag from the currently highlighted file and moves the cursor bar down. [D]nload - Builds a TAGLIST.TXT file containing a list of all the tagged files on the current drive. It then instructs ProBoard to download all the files listed in the tag file. [Z]ip - Builds a TAGLIST.TXT file containing a list of all the tagged files on the current drive. It then runs the batch file COMP.BAT to have the list of files compressed. The command line for the COMP batch program looks like the following: COMP TAGLIST.ZIP TAGLIST.TXT The COMP batch file must be setup to run a compression program which compresses all the files listed in the TAGLIST.TXT file into a file called TAGLIST.ZIP. The COMP.BAT file supplied with FTree contains a line to run the PKZIP program. If you use PKZIP make sure it is some where in your program search path, otherwise edit the COMP.BAT file to supply the entire path and program name for PKZIP. If you use another compression program you will need to modify COMP.BAT to run that compression program. Once the compressed file is created ProBoard is instructed to download it. In order for this function to work properly the COMP batch program must create the compression file with the name TAGLIST.ZIP, and the file must be in the current working directory. [S]elect drive - Selects another drive to display the directories and files for. When a new drive is selected all the file tags are clear. [C]lear tags - Removes all tags from the current drive listing. [8]UpArr - Moves the cursor bar up one line. If the cursor bar is at the top of the screen all directories/files are shifted down one line to make room for the next directory entry. If the cursor is at the top of the directory/file list it is moved to the end of the list. [2]DnArr - Moves the cursor bar down one entry in the directory/file list. Entries are shifted as needed. [9]PgUp - Moves the display up one page. [3]PgDn - Moves the display down one page. [7]Home - Moves the cursor bar to the start of the currently selected directory/file list. [1]End - Moves the cursor bar to the end of the currently selected directory/file list. The cursor control commands are selected to correspond to the numeric key pad with Num Lock ON. With Num Lock ON pressing the Home key on the keypad produces a 7. The other cursor control keys correspond to the digits the FTree program uses for cursor control. [TAB]Window - Switches between the directory and file display windows. [ESC]Exit - Quits the FTree program and returns you to the ProBoard menu. [V]iew - This command is available while the file list window is active. It displays the contents of the currently highlighted file. This command is used to display text files, although you can display other file types, only the printable characters (ASCII code greater than or equal to 32) are displayed. While a file is being displayed two additional commands are available, Find and Repeat. [F]ind - Allows you to locate a character sequence within the currently viewed file. [R]epeat - Locates the next occurrence of the previous find command.